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The Geography Course

  • GEO-001

Course Overview

The Geography program at St. Anthony's Model College Ubulu Ulu, Delta State, offers students a captivating exploration of the physical characteristics of the Earth, human societies, and environmental processes. Under the guidance of experienced educators, this program covers a wide range of topics, including landforms, climate patterns, population dynamics, and resource management. Through interactive lessons, fieldwork, and map interpretation, students acquire a profound comprehension of the intricate relationship between human activities and the natural environment. Additionally, the Geography curriculum addresses urgent global concerns such as climate change, urbanization, and sustainable development, urging students to critically evaluate and propose solutions to real-world challenges. By nurturing spatial awareness, critical thinking, and environmental stewardship, the Geography program equips students with invaluable skills and knowledge to comprehend and navigate the intricacies of our planet. St. Anthony's Model College is dedicated to providing students with a comprehensive Geography education that instills a deep reverence for the Earth's diversity.

Study Options:

Qualification Faculty Eligibility Course Code
Primary School Leaving Certificate Science Faculty SSS GEO-001

Frequently Asked Question

Below, is a list of questions about this course that we have responded to. Be free to go through each question to learn more about the course.