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The Government Course

  • GVT-001

Course Overview

The Government course offered at St. Anthony's Model College Ubulu Ulu, Delta State, provides students with an extensive examination of the structures, functions, and principles of governance at the local, national, and international levels. This course, led by highly knowledgeable instructors, explores a range of topics including political systems, institutions, policymaking processes, and civic engagement. By means of stimulating discussions, debates, and case studies, students are able to gain valuable insights into the intricacies of government, political ideologies, as well as the rights and obligations of citizens. Furthermore, the Government curriculum addresses contemporary issues, historical events, and global trends that significantly influence the political landscape. By nurturing critical thinking and analytical skills, the Government course equips students with the tools necessary to become well-informed and actively engaged participants in democratic societies. St. Anthony's Model College is committed to providing students with a comprehensive understanding of government and politics, thereby preparing them to be responsible and engaged citizens in an ever-evolving and complex world.

Study Options:

Qualification Faculty Eligibility Course Code
Primary School Leaving Certificate Arts & Social Science SSS GVT-001

Frequently Asked Question

Below, is a list of questions about this course that we have responded to. Be free to go through each question to learn more about the course.