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SACU 1974 Set 50th Anniversary

Up Anthonians: Arise and Build

It is a time of reflection, celebration, and a call to action for the illustrious alumni of St. Anthony's College. The Class of 1974 recently commemorated the 50th anniversary of their graduation with a reunion at Asaba, Delta State. This milestone was not just a chance to reminisce about the past and reconnect with old friends, but also a moment to confront the present challenges facing their alma mater and to commit to shaping its future.

During their visit to the school, the alumni were disheartened to witness the severe deterioration of the school's facilities. This stark reality, though sobering, sparked a collective resolve among the Class of 1974 to make a tangible difference. They unanimously decided to embark on a project to renovate and equip a set of three classroom blocks. This initiative is not merely about restoring buildings; it is about rekindling the spirit and legacy of a great institution that has played a pivotal role in their lives.

The decision to undertake this project is rooted in a deep-seated belief that if every class set organizes itself and undertakes a significant project during its 25th, 50th, or 75th anniversary, the cumulative effect will be transformative. By committing to such initiatives, each graduating class can ensure that at least one major project is completed every year, leading to the steady and sustainable revitalization of the school. In time, this concerted effort will restore St. Anthony's College to its former glory, making it a beacon of excellence once again.

The State of St. Anthony's College

The sight that greeted the Class of 1974 during their visit was a stark contrast to the vibrant institution they had once known. Buildings that had stood as symbols of educational excellence were now in a state of disrepair. Classrooms that had once echoed with the lively discussions of eager students were now silent, their walls cracked and their roofs leaking. The sports fields, where they had once competed with youthful vigor, were overgrown and neglected. It was a heart-wrenching sight for those who had once walked these grounds with pride.

The deterioration of the school's infrastructure is not just a matter of physical decay; it reflects a deeper crisis affecting the quality of education and the overall experience of the students. Without adequate facilities, the ability of teachers to deliver quality education is severely hampered. Students, too, are deprived of an environment that fosters learning, creativity, and growth. The alumni knew that they could not simply stand by and watch as their beloved school fell into further disrepair.

The Project: Renovating and Equipping One Of The Three Classroom Blocks

The Class of 1974's decision to renovate and equip one of the three classroom blocks is both symbolic and practical. Classrooms are the heart of any educational institution; they are where knowledge is imparted, where young minds are molded, and where lifelong friendships are forged. By focusing on this critical aspect of the school, the alumni aim to create a positive and immediate impact on the students' learning environment.

The project will involve a comprehensive renovation of the selected classroom blocks. This includes repairing structural damages, replacing old and broken furniture, installing modern teaching aids such as whiteboards and projectors, and ensuring that the classrooms are well-lit and ventilated. Additionally, the alumni plan to equip the classrooms with the necessary educational materials, including books, laboratory equipment, and computers. The goal is to create a conducive learning environment that will inspire and motivate the students and teachers alike.

The Broader Vision: A Model for Other Class Sets

The Class of 1974's initiative is envisioned as a catalyst for a broader movement within the alumni community. By setting an example, they hope to inspire other class sets to take up similar projects. The idea is simple but powerful: if each graduating class takes on a project during their milestone anniversaries—be it the 25th, 50th, or 75th anniversary—the school will benefit from a continuous stream of improvements. This approach leverages the collective strength and resources of the alumni, turning individual efforts into a formidable force for change.

This model of alumni-driven development is not unique to St. Anthony's College. Many prestigious schools around the world have thrived on the support of their former students. Alumni contributions have funded new buildings, scholarships, research programs, and a host of other initiatives. These schools understand that the relationship between the institution and its alumni is symbiotic: as the school grows and excels, so too does the value of the education and experiences it offers, which in turn benefits its alumni.

The Power of Collective Action

The success of this initiative depends on the willingness of the alumni to come together and act collectively. The Class of 1974 has laid the groundwork by identifying a pressing need and committing to address it. Their actions send a powerful message to the entire alumni community: that each of them has a role to play in the future of St. Anthony's College, and that together, they can achieve great things.

To facilitate this collective action, the Class of 1974 is reaching out to the school administration, current students, and other alumni to gather support and resources. They are organizing fundraising events, leveraging social media to spread the word, and reaching out to influential members of the community who can contribute in various ways. Every contribution, no matter how small, is seen as a step towards a larger goal.

The Impact of Alumni-Driven Development

The potential impact of this alumni-driven development model is immense. By continuously improving the school's facilities and resources, the alumni can help to create a nurturing environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and personally. This, in turn, will enhance the school's reputation, attract better teachers, and increase enrollment. As the school prospers, the value of being an alumnus of St. Anthony's College increases, creating a virtuous cycle of success and support.

Moreover, the involvement of alumni in the school's development fosters a sense of pride and belonging. It reinforces the idea that St. Anthony's College is not just a place where they spent a few years of their youth, but a lifelong community that they are an integral part of. This sense of belonging can inspire alumni to contribute in various ways, whether through financial donations, mentorship programs, or volunteering their time and expertise.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the vision of alumni-driven development is inspiring, it is not without its challenges. Coordinating efforts across different class sets and ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget requires careful planning and management. There is also the challenge of maintaining momentum and enthusiasm over the long term, especially as new generations of alumni come on board.

To address these challenges, the alumni association can adopt several strategies. First, establishing a clear and transparent process for project selection and implementation can help to build trust and confidence among the alumni. Regular updates on the progress of projects and the impact they are having on the school can also keep the alumni engaged and motivated.

Second, creating opportunities for alumni to get involved in different capacities can help to harness a wide range of skills and resources. Not everyone can contribute financially, but many alumni can offer their expertise, network, or time. By recognizing and valuing these diverse contributions, the alumni association can create a more inclusive and dynamic community.

Finally, leveraging technology and social media can help to keep the alumni connected and informed. Online platforms can facilitate communication, collaboration, and fundraising, making it easier for alumni to participate and stay engaged, no matter where they are in the world.

The Call to Action: Up Anthonians!

The story of the Class of 1974 is a testament to the power of alumni to make a difference. It is a reminder that the responsibility to maintain and enhance the legacy of St. Anthony's College lies with those who have benefited from its education and values. The call to action is clear: Up Anthonians! Arise and build!

Every alumnus has a role to play in this journey. Whether it is by contributing to a specific project, participating in fundraising efforts, offering mentorship to current students, or simply staying connected with the school community, every action counts. The legacy of St. Anthony's College is built on the collective efforts of its alumni, and it is through these efforts that the school will continue to thrive.

As we look to the future, let us take inspiration from the past and commit to building a brighter and better St. Anthony's College for generations to come. Let us remember that we are all part of a larger community, bound by a shared history and a common purpose. Together, we can make a lasting impact and ensure that the school remains a place of excellence, opportunity, and inspiration.


The 50th-anniversary reunion of the Class of 1974 was more than a nostalgic gathering; it was a pivotal moment that highlighted the need for action and the power of collective effort. By taking on the renovation and equipping of three classroom blocks, the alumni have set a powerful precedent for other class sets to follow. Their initiative demonstrates how alumni can play a crucial role in the development of their alma mater, ensuring that it continues to provide a high-quality